About Us
Seawalker is the easiest way to explore and discover biodiversity of aquatic life.
Our diving site:
Just 10 min from Grand Mirage Beach by boat transfer.
Depths 03-05m and sand bottom with coral rock and many species tropical fishes.

Easy, Simple and Comfort The best way to explore the underwater in Bali

Short Briefing
5 minutes briefing by qualified Seawalker instructor before going underwater
- Simple Orientation (5 to 10 minutes) on board of pontoon
- There is no equipment to operate, and no new skills to learn.
- Wait after climbing down to the same level of their shoulder as undersea and being ready for Helmet putting on.

Seawalker Helmet Putting On
Assistance is rendered in gearing up underwater helmet.
- You have a full view of their underwater guides face, which gives a better sense of security.
- No water gets onto the face or head, so glasses and makeup can be kept on.
- You are given a few words of encouragement by the staff and the Seawalker helmet is placed onto your.

Let's Go Underwater
A ladder from the boat will be use in going underwater with special assistance from the instructor(about 3-5m depth)
- Climbing down slowly along with ladder over supporting by Instructor
- Breathe normally underwater.
- Marvelous undersea" Sea walking " for 20 to 25 minutes
- Climbing up along with ladder and Take-off Helmet (Completion) with a full satisfaction